Monday, June 29, 2009

Amazon Ends Affiliate Program In North Carolina Over Sales Tax Bill

Amazon terminated its affiliate program in North Carolina to avoid paying a proposed sales tax, according to media reports.

In an e-mail message to associates — businesses that get a commission because they link their Web sites to, generating sales for the online retail giant — said the associates’ accounts have been closed as a “direct result of the unconstitutional tax collection scheme” expected to be passed by lawmakers and signed by Gov. Bev Perdue.

Amazon currently collects sales tax for a small number of states. But many states such as New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Hawaii are looking at collecting sales tax from online retailers as a new revenue stream that will help close their budget gaps.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Jersey's Tax Windfall from Amnesty Program

New Jersey was expected to generate $100 million when the 45-day tax amnesty program was launched, but as of last week the state has collected more than $600 million in back taxes owed. Final revenue could increase by another $50 million to $100 million once the remaining 17,500 envelopes are opened and processed, the Governor’s Office said.

New Jersey’s program, which ran from May 4 to June 15, permitted those owing back taxes from Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, 2009, to settle up without penalty and for half the interest owed. Of the collections processed to date, 56 percent were for the corporation business tax, 23 percent for sales and use taxes and 14 percent for gross income tax.

A vote on a final budget for New Jersey is expected Thursday. Gov. Jon S. Corzine would like to see the additional revenue be put toward property tax relief, which was slated to be eliminated for all but seniors and the disabled to address an up to $9 billion deficit in fiscal year 2010.

I'm Back

I have been away for awhile due to an extremely busy work schedule at my day job, some personal demands of my family, and the fact that I am looking to change careers (new job) from education which I have done for the last 3 years into a career as a financial analyst or accountant with a private company in the New York City or Connecticut area. I specify private company because I have done analytical work for governmental agencies where I have created reports, revenue and expense analysis and all types of other fun stuff. Well, I am telling you a job search can be a job all by itself with the endless amount of time searching job boards and attending networking events. That being said, I am back to blogging about one of my favorite topics and do not anticipate any more distractions that will keep me away.
